converter to text

extract text from different sources

Quickly analyze a large number of CVs in any format,
from word to video.

converter to text

extract text from different sources

Quickly analyze a large number of CVs in any format, from word to video.

converter to text

Easy tool to extract text from documents, image or video.

text normalization

Tool that reduces the randomness of text, bringing it closer to a predefined “standard.”

semantic engine

It is created exclusively for the world of HR and its trustworthiness comes from the continuous developments and updates that the IT department releases on a monthly basis.

main features

Why do our customers use a converter to text?

  • It is useful in the application phase for the candidate.
  • You need to get the content of a candidate’s video resume typed up.
  • You want to turn a CV into text, regardless of the format

how can it work for you (For your IT team)

How does the converter to text work?

Converter to text allows you to extract text from different sources:

  • documents: such as resume in several formats (doc, docx, pdf) and in different languages;
  • images through the use of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology: for example, resumes in jpeg format;
  • video: for example, a candidate’s video resume.

Once the text version is obtained, it can be analyzed with the other two tools available: Text Normalization and Semantics Engine.

main features

Why do our customers use a converter to text?

  • It is useful in the application phase for the candidate.
  • You need to get the content of a candidate’s video resume typed up.
  • You want to turn a CV into text, regardless of the format

how can it work for you (For your IT team)

How does the converter to text work?
Converter to text allows you to extract text from different sources:

  • documents: such as resume in several formats (doc, docx, pdf) and in different languages;
  • images through the use of OCR (Optical Character Recognition) technology: for example, resumes in jpeg format;
  • video: for example, a candidate’s video resume.

Once the text version is obtained, it can be analyzed with the other two tools available: Text Normalization and Semantics Engine.