semantic search

boost your talent database

Discover the true value of your candidate database, leverage the applications you already have to complete a job search faster.

semantic search

boost your talent database

Discover the true value of your candidate database, leverage the applications you already have to complete a job search faster.

why semantic search

Why do you need a semantic search?

  • Talent Shortage makes it increasingly difficult to be able to find the talent you really need quickly
  • As for the increase of online application tools, from websites to job portals to social media, recruiters must evaluate hundreds of resumes daily, often with no relevance to the position sought.

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      What is the aim of semantic search?

      Semantic search turns your talent database into an efficient AI candidate sourcing. It reads the skills in CVs, compare them with your research and return an ordered shortlist of candidates based on their percentage of compatibility with the search criteria you have chosen.

      The semantic search guarantees a reduction in time-to-hire and allows the company to save time and money.

      Today social networks and job portals have such a high performance that HR ends up with a mountain of data to analyze. Semantic search provides support in the management of these data, which are so elevated that they are impossible to be analyzed without using a software.

      why do you need a semantic search?

      Why do you need a semantic search?

      • Talent Shortage makes it increasingly difficult to be able to find the talent you really need quickly
      • As for the increase of online application tools, from websites to job portals to social media, recruiters must evaluate hundreds of resumes daily, often with no relevance to the position sought.


      What is the aim of semantic search?
      Semantic search turns your talent database into an efficient AI candidate sourcing. It reads the skills in CVs, compare them with your research and return an ordered shortlist of candidates based on their percentage of compatibility with the search criteria you have chosen.

      The semantic search guarantees a reduction in time-to-hire and allows the company to save time and money.

      Today social networks and job portals have such a high performance that HR ends up with a mountain of data to analyze. Semantic search provides support in the management of these data, which are so elevated that they are impossible to be analyzed without using a software.

      main features

      The features of semantic search


      Ranking candidates according to their compatibility with the search in just a few seconds.

      reduction of time and cost-per-hire

      The reduction in time achieved is remarkable. The software takes only a few seconds to analyze even thousands of resumes.

      vertically-focused semantic search

      The strength of our semantic search is that it was created exclusively for the world of HR. Because of this, it integrates seamlessly with the field in which it is applied.


      It guarantees a perfect matching between your research and candidates’ CVs, even when they are written in different languages.


      The semantic search is available in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese.

      notification system

      It allows creating a set of alerts to improve candidates experience


      You can add or remove filters to find the perfect candidate.

      security & GDPR compliance

      We take care of the privacy of candidates’ information and our infrastructure ensures the security of managed data.

      APIs & ATS integration

      Easy connect your ATS tool with our AI recruitment tools. REST integration available.

      use cases

      Why do our customers use semantic search?

      past candidates recognize your brand and are more willing to be interested in new job ads.

      by reviewing only candidates who meet job requirements.
      by focusing on top talents in just a few seconds.
      thanks to Artificial Intelligence, it supports inclusion and diversity by focusing on specific skills.
      it helps potential candidates to find the most suitable job offer according to their profile.
      by analyzing the CV content, it can identify relevant hidden competences required from a candidate.

      how it works

      How semantic search works?

      Our semantic search goes beyond the individual words written in a CV and understands their true meaning to speed up the pre-screening phase of the selection process.

      It is based on a semantic engine containing over 12,000 jobs, identified and weighted to lead our software in identifying the most appropriate jobs.

      The algorithm carries out an extraction of the professional tags contained in the search, then compares them with the skills in the candidates’ CVs.

      It results in a list of candidates ordered from the most to the least suitable for the search.

      how it works

      How semantic search works?
      Our semantic search goes beyond the individual words written in a CV and understands their true meaning to speed up the pre-screening phase of the selection process.

      It is based on a semantic engine containing over 12,000 jobs, identified and weighted to lead our software in identifying the most appropriate jobs.

      The algorithm carries out an extraction of the professional tags contained in the search, then compares them with the skills in the candidates’ CVs.

      It results in a list of candidates ordered from the most to the least suitable for the search.