online cognitive
ability test

4 Digital Escape Room

Valuta le skills cognitive e le abilità di candidati e collaboratori

online cognitive ability test

4 Digital Escape Room

Valuta le skills cognitive e le abilità di candidati e collaboratori

what are cognitive skills?

A cloud solution for assessing cognitive skills
Cognitive skills are the set of abilities and functions necessary for the acquisition and processing of information, which underlie the processes of learning, memory, problem solving, attention and knowledge.

They are the ways in which the brain remembers, reasons, attracts attention, thinks, reads, and learns. Cognitive skills help a person process new information by taking it and distributing it to appropriate areas of the mind.

SoftskillLab investigates 3 different cognitive areas: attention, memory, logic, and reasoning.
You can investigate each individual area with a light Digital Escape Room or assess the whole set of cognitive skills with the full Digital Escape Room.

what are cognitive skills?

A cloud solution for assessing cognitive skills
Cognitive skills are the set of abilities and functions necessary for the acquisition and processing of information, which underlie the processes of learning, memory, problem solving, attention and knowledge.

They are the ways in which the brain remembers, reasons, attracts attention, thinks, reads, and learns. Cognitive skills help a person process new information by taking it and distributing it to appropriate areas of the mind.

SoftskillLab investigates 3 different cognitive areas: attention, memory, logic, and reasoning.
You can investigate each individual area with a light Digital Escape Room or assess the whole set of cognitive skills with the full Digital Escape Room.

Register and get a 21-day free trial of SoftskillLab!
All cognitive skills listed above , as well as the other skills on the platform, can be measured individually with an ad hoc test, or can be combined to create a tailored assessment depending on its purpose.

digital escape room

The cognitive skills assessment test
Escape room is a very famous game that aims to solve some puzzles, thanks to which the leading role (i.e. the player) will reach the exit of a phantom house or building.
SoftskillLab introduces it into a digital version!

In collaboration with Università Cattolica of Milan, it was decided to includes this game in the analysis of cognitive skills, so the player/candidate will find himself applying and seeing measured his cognitive skills without realizing it…actually having fun!

specific digital escape room


The test assesses the sustained/consistent, selective and divided attention span.


The test assesses the long-term memory and working capacity of candidates and employees.

logic and reasoning

The test assesses the set of skills that allow you to analyse information in a timely and rational manner.

complete digital escape room

attention, memory, logic and reasoning

A complete Digital Escape Room that allows you to assess all 3 cognitive areas in a single test:

  • attention (attention capacity – sustained/constant, selective, divided;
  • memory (memory capacity – long-term, working);
  • logic and reasoning (logic and reasoning skills of candidates and employees).

digital escape room

The cognitive skills assessment test
Escape room is a very famous game that aims to solve some puzzles, thanks to which the leading role (i.e. the player) will reach the exit of a phantom house or building.
SoftskillLab introduces it into a digital version!

In collaboration with Università Cattolica of Milan, it was decided to includes this game in the analysis of cognitive skills, so the player/candidate will find himself applying and seeing measured his cognitive skills without realizing it…actually having fun!

specific digital escape room


The test assesses the sustained/consistent, selective and divided attention span of candidates and employees.


The test assesses the long-term memory and working capacity of candidates and employees.

logic and reasoning

The test assesses the set of skills that allow you to analyse information in a timely and rational manner.

complete digital escape room

attention, memory, logic and reasoning

A complete Digital Escape Room that allows you to assess all 3 cognitive areas in a single test:

  • attention (attention capacity – sustained/constant, selective, divided;
  • memory (memory capacity – long-term, working);
  • logic and reasoning (logic and reasoning skills of candidates and employees).


Often a course of study or professional experience are not sufficient to define precisely whether a candidate or an employee actually has the cognitive skills to carry out a specific task or work in a context that may require more or less concentration or use of logic.

Knowing and measuring cognitive skills combined with other skills and competences allows for a more precise and clear definition of the person’s profile and development potential.

It is possible to develop cognitive skills through consistent and targeted exercises aimed at developing those skills.

Strengthening the cognitive skills of your staff can help them perform better at work.

SoftskillLab is an extremely versatile tool as it can be used for different purposes: selecting candidates, assessing potential, career guidance, identifying skills for vocational training, mapping the capabilities of company resources and have an insight into how an employee might behave in a given role or context.

Arca24’s SoftskillLab is an easy-to-use cloud system that allows recruiters to send emails to multiple candidates at once with the link to take the test.

The platform reports constant updates and it allows you to: see how many candidates have already answered, download each candidate’s result, add new profiles to be assessed and prompt those who have not yet completed the questionnaire.

In order for the tests to do their job properly, it is important that:
– there is a stable connection
– answers are given instinctively and not influenced by expectations of results
– you are in a quiet, distraction-free environment
– you approach the questions with the aim of enjoying the moment and trying to have fun.

The soft skills tests are available in 6 languages: English, Italian, German, French, Spanish and Portuguese. If you need them in additional languages, you can apply and this will be checked.


Often a course of study or professional experience are not sufficient to define precisely whether a candidate or an employee actually has the cognitive skills to carry out a specific task or work in a context that may require more or less concentration or use of logic.

Knowing and measuring cognitive skills combined with other skills and competences allows for a more precise and clear definition of the person’s profile and development potential.

It is possible to develop cognitive skills through consistent and targeted exercises aimed at developing those skills.

Strengthening the cognitive skills of your staff can help them perform better at work.

SoftskillLab is an extremely versatile tool as it can be used for different purposes: selecting candidates, assessing potential, career guidance, identifying skills for vocational training, mapping the capabilities of company resources and have an insight into how an employee might behave in a given role or context.

Arca24’s SoftskillLab is an easy-to-use cloud system that allows recruiters to send emails to multiple candidates at once with the link to take the test.

The platform reports constant updates and it allows you to: see how many candidates have already answered, download each candidate’s result, add new profiles to be assessed and prompt those who have not yet completed the questionnaire.

In order for the tests to do their job properly, it is important that:
– there is a stable connection
– answers are given instinctively and not influenced by expectations of results
– you are in a quiet, distraction-free environment
– you approach the questions with the aim of enjoying the moment and trying to have fun.

The soft skills tests are available in 6 languages: English, Italian, German, French, Spanish and Portuguese. If you need them in additional languages, you can apply and this will be checked.