online personality
assessment test

7 online psychological tests

Assess personality factors of candidates and employees

online personality assessment test

7 online psychological tests

Assess personality factors of candidates and employees

what are personality factors?

A cloud solution for the assessment of personality factors
Personality factors indicate a predisposition to act, process information or express emotions that is independent of changing circumstances. Personality traits are stable and unlikely to change.

It is important to understand how candidates or employees tend to react to certain circumstances or everyday situations, both in relation to the context and to the people with whom they work.

what are personality factors?

A cloud solution for the assessment of personality factors
Personality factors indicate a predisposition to act, process information or express emotions that is independent of changing circumstances. Personality traits are stable and unlikely to change.

It is important to understand how candidates or employees tend to react to certain circumstances or everyday situations, both in relation to the context and to the people with whom they work.

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All personality factors listed below, as well as the other skills on the platform, can be measured individually with an ad hoc test,
or can be combined to create a tailored assessment depending on its purpose.

test library

7 online psychological tests to assess the personality factors of your company’s staff

openness to the future

Involves the awareness that the actions, plans, and beliefs of the present will determine the future.

tolerance of uncertainty

Those who possess it are more inclined to risk and to accept the non-existence of a concrete answer.


Ability to face adversity and endure, achieving a good level of adaptation to critical situations.

openness to change

Openness to change involves not only the acceptance of change, but also a positive and optimistic view of it.


Desire to make new knowledge and experiences, explore and understand the unfamiliar.


Once a goal is defined, being sure it is pursued until it is achieved.


Leads to a persistent and generalized pursuit of success. It is a defining trait even once a goal has been achieved.


There is a set of psychological tests with a variable number of items on the market, which are designed to reveal the personality traits of the person in the working environment.

Arca24’s SoftskillLab is a tool, based on the collaboration with Università Cattolica of Milan, which offers the recruiter 7 psychological tests for the evaluation of personality factors.

These tests, more specific than personality tests on the market, provide results that are easy to interpret, even by non-specialists. Thanks to the cloud-based system, they allow the evaluation of several candidates at the same time.

A person’s personality traits are stable and unlikely to change. For this reason, it is essential to measure them as well as possible in order to identify the ideal person to be placed in a given role and context.

SoftskilLlab offers 7 psychological tests to assess these skills and ensure a fast and effective selection process.

SoftskillLab is an extremely versatile tool as it can be used for different purposes: selecting candidates, assessing potential, career guidance, identifying skills for vocational training, mapping the capabilities of company resources and have an insight into how an employee might behave in a given role or context.

Arca24’s SoftskillLab is an easy-to-use cloud system that allows recruiters to send emails to multiple candidates at once with the link to take the test.

The platform reports constant updates and it allows you to: see how many candidates have already answered, download each candidate’s result, add new profiles to be assessed and prompt those who have not yet completed the questionnaire.

In order for the tests to do their job properly, it is important that:
– there is a stable connection
– answers are given instinctively and not influenced by expectations of results
– you are in a quiet, distraction-free environment
– you approach the questions with the aim of enjoying the moment and trying to have fun.

The soft skills tests are available in 6 languages: English, Italian, German, French, Spanish and Portuguese. If you need them in additional languages, you can apply and this will be checked.

test library

7 online psychological tests to assess the personality factors of your company’s staff

openness to the future

Involves the awareness that the actions, plans, and beliefs of the present will determine the future.

tolerance of uncertainty

Those who possess it are more inclined to risk and to accept the non-existence of a concrete answer.


Ability to face adversity and endure, achieving a good level of adaptation to critical situations.

openness to change

Openness to change involves not only the acceptance of change, but also a positive and optimistic view of it.


Desire to make new knowledge and experiences, explore and understand the unfamiliar.


Once a goal is defined, being sure it is pursued until it is achieved.


Leads to a persistent and generalized pursuit of success. It is a defining trait even once a goal has been achieved.


There is a set of psychological tests with a variable number of items on the market, which are designed to reveal the personality traits of the person in the working environment.

Arca24’s SoftskillLab is a tool, based on the collaboration with Università Cattolica of Milan, which offers the recruiter 7 psychological tests for the evaluation of personality factors.

These tests, more specific than personality tests on the market, provide results that are easy to interpret, even by non-specialists. Thanks to the cloud-based system, they allow the evaluation of several candidates at the same time.

A person’s personality traits are stable and unlikely to change. For this reason, it is essential to measure them as well as possible in order to identify the ideal person to be placed in a given role and context.

SoftskilLlab offers 7 psychological tests to assess these skills and ensure a fast and effective selection process.

SoftskillLab is an extremely versatile tool as it can be used for different purposes: selecting candidates, assessing potential, career guidance, identifying skills for vocational training, mapping the capabilities of company resources and have an insight into how an employee might behave in a given role or context.

Arca24’s SoftskillLab is an easy-to-use cloud system that allows recruiters to send emails to multiple candidates at once with the link to take the test.

The platform reports constant updates and it allows you to: see how many candidates have already answered, download each candidate’s result, add new profiles to be assessed and prompt those who have not yet completed the questionnaire.

In order for the tests to do their job properly, it is important that:
– there is a stable connection
– answers are given instinctively and not influenced by expectations of results
– you are in a quiet, distraction-free environment
– you approach the questions with the aim of enjoying the moment and trying to have fun.

The soft skills tests are available in 6 languages: English, Italian, German, French, Spanish and Portuguese. If you need them in additional languages, you can apply and this will be checked.